
Making time for yourself.

The beginning of my healing started with grief. I was mourning the loss of important women in my life. It started with my aunt, my grandmother, and then my manager and mentor passing away all within a six-month span. It changed me in such a way that I had to re-evaluate the way I was showing up in real life. I took a break from social media and these were some of the practical tools that helped me in my healing process. I realized that I couldn’t do anything for anyone without acknowledging that I had deeper work to do within myself. I bounce back from anything I just gotta cry first and then I implement some practical tools that I share below.



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Write your thoughts down

There is power in the act of writing. When I organize my thoughts onto paper, I have more clarity. I’m actually giving life to what I want, what I might want to change about myself, and what I want to let go. This helps me prioritize what’s most important in my life at that moment and what I want to give my energy to first.


Create a schedule

My schedule is built around what I wrote down. I take what’s most important, but also the easiest, and do those first in the day. For example, waking up and having quiet time to be thankful is the start of my day.


Positive Affirmations

I like to search YouTube for “positive affirmations” and listen to them. daily. I wake up to positive affirmations and do meditation before bed. It helps to set the tone for my day and keeps me in a state of gratitude.



I like to get ready for bed with guided meditation. it helps me clear my head from the day and makes is so easy to fall asleep. Even after, your subconscious mind still retains the information so it’s like a double wammy!


Move your body

It’s important to move your body. After I spend my morning with quiet time and positive affirmations, the first thing I like to do when I get out of bed is put on music and dance! Whether you’re working out, dancing, or going for a walk, doing some kind of physical activity can help lift your mood.


Quiet time

Making time for yourself doesn’t always mean doing an activity that keeps me busy. Sometimes it’s as simple as sitting on my couch and looking out the window.

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